The horse vitality company
Sandra Fencl was already interested in the topics of health and balanced nutrition when she was twelve. At the age of 19, she completed training to become a human health trainer and then many more horse training courses followed. As a holistic horse expert, during her very successful work as a horse therapist, she increasingly had to encounter horses with abnormal metabolism or feed-related illnesses. Their knowledge of nutrition, but also the lack of really useful horse supplements and the many horses that were incorrectly fed, finally led them to contact the pharmacy they trusted, the Katharinen-Apotheke in Unterhaching.
The idea for the Horse Vitality Company was born. Because their four-legged family also needed “health to eat”! And so the metabolism booster, pure magnesium citrate and other high-quality supplementary feed for horses in pharmacy quality were successively produced. A milestone in the history of health-promoting horse products!
If you would like to find out more about me, Sandra Fencl, please visit my website!